Collective Bargaining Dr. Kagen cosponsored and voted for legislation that would have made it possible for working class heroes to form effective collective bargaining unions as easily as it was to eliminate them, the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA). If enacted, EFCA would have required employers and related unions to enter into binding arbitration within […]
Working hard together with Chairman of House Appropriations Committee Dave Obey, U.S. Senators Herb Kohl, Russ Feingold and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, we accomplished a great deal for everyone in NE Wisconsin and the nation. And whatever success I may have had, know this: none of it would have been possible without the […]
Dr. Kagen voted to enact The Dream Act (HR 5281) on December 8, 2010, saying, “We’re a nation of immigrants and by supporting legal immigration America will remain vibrant, independent and free.”
Kagen helped end discrimination against members of our armed forces based upon sexual preferences.
Dr. Kagen defend a our Bill of Rights and voted against the Patriot Act.
Kagen voted consistently to protect our constitutional rights for responsible gun ownership.
Dr. Kagen voted to ban torture and to bring those responsible for torture to justice.
Under the Affordable Care Act, being a woman will no longer be a “pre-existing medical condition,” and women will have control over their most intimate health care decisions.
New 21st Century G.I. Bill New Vet Center – Green Bay Kagen offered legislation to cover all Vietnam War veterans for their cancer treatments due to exposures to Agent Orange. The bill never came up for a vote because the VA did not have the necessary funding. Dr. Kagen and General Eric Shinseki worked together […]
Kagen found funding for Wisconsin veterans at King Veteran Home in Waupaca. Kagen Announces Over $2.5 Million for King Veterans Home | [Link]