My First 100 Days in Office
Thank you for your trust and the opportunity to represent you in the U.S. Congress. It is an honor, a privilege and a duty I take seriously.
We face many challenges – at home, in Wisconsin, and as a Nation. Yet we are well equipped to meet these challenges. We are blessed with a solid foundation in our precious American values, the courage of common purpose, and the satisfaction that comes from hard work and creative effort.
America was founded on the promise of change and a new beginning. We search for a better way to do things. This enthusiasm has inspired our work in the First 100 Days of the new Congress. We set out to fulfill the hope that was placed in us, and listening to the needs of all the people, to respond with positive action.
We’ve put together a record of the First 100 Days, the challenges and the achievements. This is a beginning. Greater challenges lay ahead. But we will move forward. By working together, we will build a better future for all of us.
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