Kagen Statement On Iraq Vote
March 23, 2007
Kagen Statement On Iraq Vote
(WASHINGTON, D.C.) Congressman Steve Kagen, M.D. voted Friday in the House of Representatives in support of the U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans’ Health, and Iraq Accountability Act.
The bill passed by a vote of 218-212.
Congressman Kagen released this statement:
“This bill is both balanced and strategic. It represents the beginning of the end of our involvement in the religious civil war in Iraq. “There are three critical items in this bill. First, it guarantees full support for our troops – before, during and after being in harm’s way.
“Secondly, it demands accountability – from our own administration and from the freely elected Iraqi government.
“And third, this bill changes our strategy – away from Iraq and back towards Al Qaeda.
People in Wisconsin get it. They want their hard earned tax dollars invested right here at home – not overseas in the sands of Iraq.”
Curtis Ellis
202 225-5665 (office)