Fox Locks Restoration
Congressman Kagen brought Transportation Chairman of Transportation & Infrastructure, Jim Oberstar, to see the historic Fox Locks restoration project. Restoring Fox Locks.
Congressman Kagen brought Transportation Chairman of Transportation & Infrastructure, Jim Oberstar, to see the historic Fox Locks restoration project. Restoring Fox Locks.
To protect our environment, Dr. Kagen voted to enact of the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts. Here he is seen welcoming EPA Director Lisa Jackson to Green Bay. Dr. Kagen was the first Aerobiologist elected to Congress. EPA Director Lisa Jackson in GB.
Dr. Kagen and Senator Kohl worked together to fund much needed dredging of ports across Wisconsin. Dredging GB Port – July 20, 2007.
Kagen found federal funding to contain PCB carcinogens in the Fox River. Money for Dredging Hearing.
Kagen worked hard to prevent invasive species from entering the Great Lakes. Kagen Joins Bipartisan Effort to Stop Asian Carp | [Link]
Keeping faith with Aldo Leopold and Gaylord Nelson, Dr. Kagen supported efforts to cleanup the Great Lakes. EPA Awards Great Lakes Restoration Funds in Wisconsin | [PDF]
Congressman Kagen joined the entire Wisconsin delegation in passing the Great Lakes Compact.